
Vild med Vilje i KAB-fællesskabet

NBS Type

  • Green space with trees

Challenges Adressed

  • Biodiversity

Funding options

  • Private - (co)-funding

Type of innovation

  • Collaboration & partnerships

Name of organisation


Organisation type


Project status

Ready for implementation

About the project

This project wants to increase the amount of wild nature in the housing estates for the benefit of the people living there, the animals, and the plants. It is about creating a variety in the living environment for wild species and giving the residents new common experiences. Besides the concrete transformation, the project also includes dissemination, teaching, sharing of knowledge, and cooperation across sectors. Eg. with the association Vild med Vilje.

Innovative steps

The project considers all levels in a transformation process. From the first idea to the final operating of the transformed areas. This makes it possible to scale in a big organization. Besides this, the definition of biodiversity is made operational, which means that we can keep a focus on the quality of the efforts.
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Technical specification

KAB is a housing administration company that administrates more than 60.000 housing units.

In cooperation with the association Vild med Vilje and the company Habitats KAB has developed an advisory package. This gives the housing estate the opportunity to get professional advice on biodiversity at a reasonable price.

Besides the advice, the employees are also offered teaching in operating the nature in the common areas.

In large building projects, we are working on defining goals and demands on biological quality, looking towards the specifications in the DGNB certification scheme.

In cooperation with the association Almennet, we are working on guidance sharing the preliminary experiences with the entire public housing sector in Denmark

There has been made cooperation agreements with several Danish municipalities

There will be made guidance as to how the nature in the housing estates can contribute to the increase of community between the residents.